miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011

My favorite subject is Zoology or Animal Diversity. This subject is about the characteristics of the animals in general, about the reptiles, amphibious or mammals, also about the evolution of the animals since they are a little bacteria or just a plant. In this subject we start from the beginning of the evolution of the species, from the eras to the actual time. At the start we talk about the protozoarios then we pass to the basic metazoarios like annelids or plathelmints, etc. Then the theme became more interesting because we study the "mollusks" or the insects that are a lot more known than the others. But today we are already talking about the animals than anyone known, the fishes, the reptiles, birds, etc. The bored of this class is the class, because or the teacher is much passive or the themes explain is a lot of material, so much dense. But in general we have teacher whit a lot of motivation to explain the simple doubts or to teach the basic of the theme. So this is not a very important problem for a subject that to much funny material.
Reasons of why I like this theme, they are a lot, but in simple words.
My first reason would be because this subject explain all of the animals, since the more basic to the more complicated general characteristics, that's was what I want when I apply for this career. A second reason would be that this subject is the only theme that motivate me to study (talking in this semester) because, like I said before, treats about the animals.
So that's all, this is my favorites subject, I hope you like or share my opinion and also I invite to comment and be a participant of this theme and blog.
Good luck.

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

Johan Cruyff

As almost are asking about, why I am talking about football and not of biology themes, but I want to show you one of my passion.
Who he is?
He is a retired football player, that born in Amsterdam at 1947. At the beginning he shows his talent with the ball and ten years later, in 1957, he start playing for the Ajax club with 10 years old. Since then he was one the best players on his generation, winning championships with all the teams he play like Ajax , Feyenoord and Barcelona, also like trainer he won titles with both teams, Ajax and Barca. But he always have a shadow on himself and that was never won a world cup with his country, Holanda.
What he do?
He won as a player with Ajax, a double cup league becoming the top goal scorer of the season also he won 3 European Cups and was named twice as the European footballer of a season.
In Barcelona, he arrives as a star, so he has a lot of pressure on himself, but he didn’t disappointed the club,  he plays a great football but he only won one title.
Like coach, he got everything, with Ajax won two tittles and with Barcelona he plays the most beautiful football winning the Championship league twice, and he gets on the hall of fame of Barca.
Why I choose him?
Because he was an extraordinary football player, that left and still live on the shadow of the most knowing players, Pele and Maradona.  Johann wasn’t a melodramatic player, he only cares on do good football supporting on him partners of the team, he wasn’t a selfish player and he demonstrate as player and as a coach. That’s why I pick this magnificent football player because of his humbleness and courage.

viernes, 22 de abril de 2011

Hi everybody, how is going the life?, well this wendsday my blog make a party because it's been two weeks of funny and important information throught my blog, so I want to invites you to celebrate and comment if your are happy with my blog or if I need to change something or add something to this magnificent blog, See you

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011


Hi, welcome to my blog, here you will read differents publications about what I am doing in a precisly moment, or simply information about my interest and aspirations.

Also you can see what I do in my career on in free moments, and in a future you can give yours opinion about the activities that I will present in my blog.

Good luck and enjoy.