My favorite subject is Zoology or Animal Diversity. This subject is about the characteristics of the animals in general, about the reptiles, amphibious or mammals, also about the evolution of the animals since they are a little bacteria or just a plant. In this subject we start from the beginning of the evolution of the species, from the eras to the actual time. At the start we talk about the protozoarios then we pass to the basic metazoarios like annelids or plathelmints, etc. Then the theme became more interesting because we study the "mollusks" or the insects that are a lot more known than the others. But today we are already talking about the animals than anyone known, the fishes, the reptiles, birds, etc. The bored of this class is the class, because or the teacher is much passive or the themes explain is a lot of material, so much dense. But in general we have teacher whit a lot of motivation to explain the simple doubts or to teach the basic of the theme. So this is not a very important problem for a subject that to much funny material.
Reasons of why I like this theme, they are a lot, but in simple words.
My first reason would be because this subject explain all of the animals, since the more basic to the more complicated general characteristics, that's was what I want when I apply for this career. A second reason would be that this subject is the only theme that motivate me to study (talking in this semester) because, like I said before, treats about the animals.
So that's all, this is my favorites subject, I hope you like or share my opinion and also I invite to comment and be a participant of this theme and blog.
Good luck.
Also remember that the party of two month birthday of my blog it's going to be in a few days, so comment to be invited, if you comment in italian would be much better and you can come with a pair.
ResponderEliminargood subject. i like it too, but professor Solís is so damn boring! shame on him XD
ResponderEliminari think that this subject it's the only one that everybody loves, because the other ones are soooooooooo boring!
ResponderEliminari would like to go tou your blog party! :D can i go?
Oh! andres you and me like the same! molusks are the best!! I hope that you can understand all units and you have good marks !! see you
ResponderEliminarChumingooo! haha
ResponderEliminarZoology is very very cool! :)
Take care, See you
My favorite subject is Zoology or Animal Diversity. This subject is about the characteristics of the animals in general, about the reptiles, amphibious or mammals, also about the evolution of the animals since they are a little WF bacteria or just a plant. In this subject we TENSE start from the beginning of the evolution of the species, from the eras to the actual time. At the WW start we talk about the protozoarios then we TENSE pass to the basic metazoarios like annelids or plathelmints, etc. Then the theme became more interesting because we TENSE study the "mollusks" or the insects that are a lot more known than the others. But today we are already talking about the animals than anyone WF known, WW the fishes,WW the reptiles, birds, etc. The WF bored of this class is the class, because or the teacher is WWmuch passive or the themes WF explain is a lot of material, so much dense. But in general we have teacher SP whit a lot of motivation to explain the simple doubts or to teach the basic of the theme. So this is not a very important problem for a subject that to WF much funny material.
ResponderEliminarReasons of why I like this theme, they are a lot, but in simple words.
My first reason would be because this subject SVA explain all of the animals, since the more basic to the more complicated general characteristics, that's was what I want when I TENSE apply WW for this WW career. A second reason would be that this subject is the only theme that SVA motivate me to study (talking in this semester) because, like I said before, treats about the animals.
So that's all, this is my favorites subject, I hope you like or share my opinion and also I invite to comment and be a participant of this theme and blog.
Good luck.
well done! I hope you can get more motivation during the year...